20 Great books on education

A collection of twenty great books on education. Well , strictly speaking nineteen great books on education and one great book on Social Science. All are definitely worth a read. Some you can but through Amazon, others are out of print but available on the internet, either through the Google Books project or elsewhere as Pdfs. Follow the links…

1. Fines, J. and Verrier, R. (1974) The Drama of History: an experiment in co-operative teaching. (PDF) London: New University Education.

2. Heathcote, D. and Bolton, G. (1995) Drama for Learning: Dorothy Heathcote’s mantle of the expert Approach to education. (Amazon) Portsmouth: Heinemann.

3. Johnson, L. and O’Neill, C. (ed.) (1984) Dorothy Heathcote: Collected Writings on Education and Drama. (GoogleBook) London: Hutchinson.

4. Morgan, N. and Saxton, J. (1987) Teaching Drama: a mind of many wonders.(Amazon) Porstmouth: Heinemann.

5. Abbott, J. and Ryan, T. (2000) The Unfinished Revolution: learning, human behaviour, community and political paradox. (Amazon) Bodmin: Network Education Press.

6. Bruner, J. (1966) Toward a Theory of Instruction. (GoogleBook) Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap.

7. Danermark, B. Ekstrom, M. Jakobsen, L. and Karlsson, J. Ch. (2002) Explaining Society: critical realism in the social sciences.  (Amazon) London: Routledge.

8. Devine, D. (2003) Children, Power & Schooling: how childhood is structured in the primary school. (Amazon) London: Trentham Books.

9. Egan, K. (1989) Teaching as Story Telling: an alternative approach to teaching and curriculum in the elementary school. (GoogleBook) Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

10. Egan, K. (1987) The Educated Mind: how cognitive tools shape our understanding. (GoogleBook) Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

11. Galton, M. (2007) Learning and Teaching in the Primary Classroom. (GoogleBook) London: SAGE Publications.

12. Graves, D. (1994) A Fresh Look at Writing. (Amazon) Portsmouth: Heinemann.

13. Holt, J. (1971) The Underachieving School. (GoogleBook) Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd.

14. Holt, J. (1967) How Children Learn. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd.

15. Holt, J. (1990) How Children Fail. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd; New ed. of 2nd Revised ed. edition.

16. Kohn, A. (2000) Punished by Rewards: the trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A’s, praise and other bribes. (Amazon) London: Houghton Mifflin.

17. Morgan, N. and Saxton, J. (1994) Asking Better Questions: models, techniques and classroom activities for engaging students in learning. (GoogleBook) Markham: Pembroke.

18. Quinn, V. (1997) Critical Thinking in Young Minds. (Amazon) London: David Fulton.

19. Holmes, G (1952) The Idiot Teacher. (PDF) Nottingham: Spokesmen

20. Wagner, B.J. (1976) Dorothy Heathcote: Drama as a Learning Medium. (Amazon) London: Trentham Books.

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