Author: Tim Taylor
Theme: Early Islamic civilisation
Age Range: KS2
Main Curriculum Focus: History
Inquiry Question: How did Baghdad become the centre of Islamic Culture after AD 768?
Expert Team: Story finders/researchers/creators
Client: Scheherazade
Commission(s): To research the Great Library of Baghdad for Scheherazade searching for new stories to tell the King every night.
This planning unit is aimed at upper Key Stage 2. It can be used to teach the non-European society study: early Islamic civilisation c. AD 900, from the new history curriculum, as well as create opportunities for cross-curricular links to other subjects.
It uses the story of Scheherazade, and the tales of One Thousand and One Arabian Nights, to create a context where the students work as researchers and writers helping Scheherazade to find new stories to tell the king and keep her alive.
Word document – 128KB
PDF – 61KB
1. Baghdad Powerpoint – 20MB
2. Baghdad Film of Powerpoint – 20MB