KS3 MoE History Project: The Mystery of the Young Monk

monk edited picFrom January until July 2015 I am working on a project funded by the Hamlyn Foundation called, “Becoming, Belonging and Participating in School Communities”.

The project involves using imaginative-inquiry with students who are struggling with the transition from primary to secondary school.


The schools involved in the project are:
1. Benjamin Britten High School
2. Framingham Earl High School
3. Hellesdon High School

We have built a website for the project called, The History Team and the Mystery of the Young Monk, this website has three aims:

1. As the History Team website: for the fictional team of historians represented by the students. We will add content and resources as the project develops, as well as examples of the students’ work.

2. As a teaching resource: which we hope will help other teachers who would like to use the context in their own teaching.

3. As a medium for communicating the outcomes of the project as they progress. We aim to update the website with feedback from the students, their parents, and the teachers as it comes in.

If you have any questions or would like to make a comment, please get in contact, either using the comment box at the bottom of this page or using our contact form. Please bear in mind the website will be ‘live’ and so there are bound to mistakes and typos, if you spot any please let me know via @imagineinquiry

I expect this project is going to keep me very busy over the next six months and I won’t have the time to blog on here as often as I have in the past, sorry about that. In the meantime I hope you will visit the History Team website. My aim is to update it as often as possible and publish a summary on here every week, we’ll see how that goes.

You can read an overview of the project here.

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