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Imaginative Inquiry in New York

Imaginative inquiry has crossed the sea and been taken up by a group of “four progressive educators from New York City and Los Angeles.” Read more here on their website and, if you happen to be in New York in July, find out how to attend an exciting looking training event.

We are hunters and gatherers of values

Dramatic play, early childhood pedagogy, and the formation of ethical identities. Brian Edmiston- The Ohio State University In his speech accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature, Seamus Heaney (1995) recalls a dark hour in the history of sectarian violence in the North of Ireland when, in 1976, a minibus full of workers was stopped by a […]

Scheherazade: Teaching early Islamic civilisation

These resources are for use in the planning unit: Scheherazade: Teaching early Islamic civilisation Introductory film MP4 44MB Music to Scheherazade – Rimsky Korsakov Powerpoint version 20MB


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