Author: Tim Taylor
Theme: The Young Soldier – Ancient Greece
Age Range: KS2 – C2014 Ready
Main Curriculum Focus: History
Inquiry Question: History – Ancient Greece
Expert Team: Museum exhibition designers
Client(s): British museum
• To visit the archaeological site
• To work with the archaeologists to safely bring back the artefacts
• For a new temporary exhibition at the BM on life in Ancient Greece
• To design the exhibition:
o Display the objects in an exciting and informative way
o Explain to visitors the context of the exhibition
o And the finding of the body
o To explain about the historical context – role of the hoplites
o To create a possible reconstruction of the young soldiers life using historical sources
The remains of a young hoplite from Ancient Greece are found in a cave. It appears from the evidence that the soldier was trapped in the cave when the roof fell in. Along with the remains of his body, archaeologists discover his weapons, armour and a bag of personal possessions.
As a Word document 349KB 15 Pages
As a PDF 463KB
Mind map
Story of the Battle of Thermopylae
Ancient Greece- Battle of Thermopylae Presentation
Young soldier slide show
Letter from the British Museum
Slide shows & notes from the British Museum:
- GreecehoplitesslideshowKS2
- GreeceHoplitesPresnotesKS2
- GreeceExplorepicslideshowKS2b
- GreeceWomenslideshowKS2
- GreeceExplorepicpresnotesKS2
File Size: 349KB
Pages: 15
Word count: 5,500